RV DIY Makeover: Carpet Removal!

RV DIY Makeover: Carpet Removal!

We finally did it! The carpet is gone! April, 2023. It took a little elbow grease and a lot of patience, but we finally got the hang of it and got that musty, yucky old carpet out. I hope you can glean some good tips from my muddling through this process… and...
DIY RV Makeover: Bye-Bye Dinette Set!

DIY RV Makeover: Bye-Bye Dinette Set!

It was time for the ol’ dinette set to go… April, 2023. After a layoff, a sickness (our whole household got the “C” during the latter part of 2022), and days which turned into weeks which turned into a few months of heavy rain (very...
In the Weeds

In the Weeds

In the Weeds In the Weeds So…its been 3 months since I posted anything on this here blog. Three LONG months where, geez, not much has happened except basically everything that could go WRONG. Let’s see, let me make a list: -I lost all of my income -I got COVID, then I...