Join me for a quick walk through (and a little bit of a cruise and gab) as we get ready to take our first big trip.
We are heading to Texas for the first time and we are both more than a little excited (by both I mean “the bun” and me LOL). Can bunnies get excited? You bet….at least Ms D can. After all, this remodel included building out a couple of special “hidey holes” for her in addition to popping out the original dinette set, ripping out the carpet, and doing a bunch more small but significant upgrades to Winnie the Pugh.
She is not done with her make-over by a long shot. The next big one is an electrical upgrade…we are going solar baby!. That is slateed for early 2024.
But, hey, you gotta start somewhere right? I think we did A LOT to improve the place that we now call home…and we couldn’t be more pleased!
Open road here we come!
Blessings to you and see you on the road,
Nikki P aka The Gentle Healthy Traveler 🙂
(and Ms D, the first ever health coaching traveling bunny!)
For more travel tips, healthy living tips, health coaching programs, and more, be sure to visit www.thegentletraveler.com
Note: This video was originally filmed in May 2023

Written by gentletraveler
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