Join me for a quick walk through (and a little bit of a cruise and gab) as we get ready to take our first big trip. 

We are heading to Texas for the first time and we are both more than a little excited (by both I mean “the bun” and me LOL). Can bunnies get excited? You bet….at least Ms D can. After all, this remodel included building out a couple of special “hidey holes” for her in addition to popping out the original dinette set, ripping out the carpet, and doing a bunch more small but significant upgrades to Winnie the Pugh. 

She is not done with her make-over by a long shot. The next big one is an electrical upgrade…we are going solar baby!. That is slateed for early 2024. 

But, hey, you gotta start somewhere right? I think we did A LOT to improve the place that we now call home…and we couldn’t be more pleased!

Open road here we come! 

Blessings to you and see you on the road,

Nikki P aka The Gentle Healthy Traveler 🙂
(and Ms D, the first ever health coaching traveling bunny!)

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Note: This video was originally filmed in May 2023

painting me and bun

Written by gentletraveler

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The Gentle Healthy Traveler

“Those who entwine their hearts with Yahweh will experience divine strength. They will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles, run their race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up.”

                                                                                                                 Isaiah 40:31 TPT

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